Dosbarthu Am Ddim ar gyfer Archebion Dros £100
Siop Poteli
Just Peach - Hive Mind
Perennial - Wilderness
Another Day Done - Duration
Jaipur Alc Free
Mining for Galaxy IPA - Wildhorse
Paint of the Car - Rivington
Beach Lager - Tenby Brewing Co.
The Breeze - Wiper & True
Pintle - Burnt Mill Brewery
Beneath The Seas - Burnt Mill Brewery
Council Pop - Mash Gang
Beyond The Pines - Mash Gang
Lesser Evil - Mash Gang
Chug - Mash Gang
7th Birthday West Coast IPA x Duration - Pollys Brew Co.
7th Birthday IPA x Spookton - Pollys Brew Co.
7th Birthday White IPA x Thornbridge - Pollys Brew Co,
7th Birthday Passionfruit & Lime Sour x Pastore - Pollys Brew Co.
7th Birthday DIPA x Sureshot - Pollys Brew Co.
7th Birthday Imperial Stout x Lost Cause - Pollys Brew Co.